
7 Tips To Improve HOA Board Communication With Homeowners

board meeting | hoa board communication

One of the pillars of a successful association is effective HOA board communication. Board members must keep in consistent contact with homeowners, informing them of important news and updates. Not all associations know how to properly communicate with homeowners, though. What Is the Importance of HOA Board Communication? Communication is the foundation of smooth operations […]

How Important Is An HOA Budget?

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The HOA budget plays an essential role in the operation of a homeowners association. Without a budget, an HOA would have no financial direction. Creating a budget, though, is not as easy as it might seem. What Is an HOA Budget? An HOA budget is a financial planning tool that a homeowners association uses to […]

What Is An HOA Special Assessment? Are Homeowners Required To Pay It?

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An HOA special assessment is an additional financial obligation homeowners in an HOA community have. Beyond mortgage payments and regular HOA fees, homeowners also need to pay special assessments occasionally. Understanding what these assessments entail before buying a home in an HOA community is important. What Is an HOA Special Assessment? An HOA special assessment […]

HOA Fees: Do Homeowners Really Need To Pay Them?

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In every neighborhood association, homeowners must pay HOA fees. These fees play an important role in the successful operation of a community. Failure to pay these fees can result in a number of consequences. What Are HOA Fees? When a person buys a home in an HOA community, they agree to fulfill certain obligations. One […]

Is Hiring An HOA Management Company A Good Move?

happy employees | hiring an HOA management company

The HOA board has many responsibilities to keep the HOA functioning. However, it isn’t easy, requiring time, expertise, and experience. This is why most HOAs hire an HOA management company. But is hiring an HOA management company always a good idea? Let’s find out. The Responsibilities of an HOA Management Company Before discussing whether hiring […]

Will Your Community Benefit From An HOA Manager?

beautiful hoa manager | hoa manager

Running a homeowners association can be tiring. While many communities choose to hire an HOA manager to handle daily responsibilities, others seem to shy away from hiring a professional because of the associated cost. Should your community hire one? What Does an HOA Manager Do? The responsibilities of an HOA manager are largely the same […]

HOA Board Duties: What Does Your BOD Do For Your HOA?

hoa board meeting | hoa board duties

Homeowners associations are governed by the HOA board. The board is in charge of making sure the community is well-kept and that property values remain high. Within the HOA board, there are also different officer roles — each with its own set of responsibilities. What are the different HOA board duties? Let’s find out. What […]

What Is HOA Management? Does Your HOA Need This Service?

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HOA management might take a lot of work to grasp for new homeowners associations or board members. How exactly do professional management companies help? Moreover, is hiring a management company right for your HOA? Let’s find out.  What Is HOA Management? A homeowners association (HOA) primarily manages a community’s daily operations. They enforce rules, collect […]

HOA Governing Documents: What Are These?

looking through documents | hoa governing documents

HOA governing documents are a crucial part of running any community association. Homeowners associations use these to guide their operations and understand the limits of what they can do. But, they can be tricky to differentiate and comprehend if you’re unfamiliar.  What Are HOA Governing Documents? HOA governing documents are various declarations and documents that […]

6 Most Important Services A HOA Management Company Provides HOAs

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Many homeowners associations delegate management services to specialized HOA management companies. But, what exactly do HOA management companies do? Does an association need a management company to accomplish all these tasks? Here are the top 6 services a management company can provide and how your HOA can benefit.  Services HOA Management Companies Provide Homeowners association […]